Forming great men into great priests of hope

Holy Spirit Seminary forms, encourages & supports great men to become great priests.

Seminary formation with a difference

Creating hope filled supporters of the future Church

Events at the seminary

Tomorrow’s Priests need a solid faith foundation, but must also prepare for…

  • Faith formation of others
  • Growing in Leadership & Influence
  • Collaboration
  • Sacramental life
  • Accompaniment
  • Administration roles
  • Good decision making
  • Parish & Community mission
  • Fluctuating Catholic population
  • Spiritual growth
  • Changing demographics
  • New ways of reaching youth & young adults
  • Media knowledge and skills
  • Crisis & change management
  • And the list goes on…

That’s why the Holy Spirit Seminary works hard to prepare the next generation of priests to be well rounded, Christ centred & Spirit led servant leaders.

Formation for now and the future

Sadly, a lot of us have heard about or seen with our own eyes the decline of the faithful, the reduction of Priests due to retirement and decreased vocations. This can leave us feeling hopeless and disheartened because we all long to see our Parishes, Communities, and the wider Catholic Church alive with the faith. But as people of faith, we are not called to despair we are called to be people of HOPE!

That’s why here at the Holy Spirit Seminary we have HOPE for the future of the Church and the Priesthood. We fervently dedicate our staff to the formation, encouragement and up to date training of the great Catholic men who are called to the vocation of priesthood.

Guided by the Holy Spirit we faithfully serve Christ and the Church to ensure the next generation of priests are prepared with a love of Christ, dedication to His people and are equipped with tools to have the best chance of success in their unique roles.

So as people of hope how can you support the future Catholic Church especially in the Province of Qld?

Discern the vocation to Priesthood

And while you’re at it discover why Holy Spirit Seminary might just be your best option for formation and training.

Become a supporter in prayer and finance

A lot is expected of these men and they need our support spiritually and financially to ensure they are ready. 

Keep up to date with events and our news

Purchase the Paraclete magazine, join our social media pages or receive invites to special events.

What people are saying!

Welcome from the Rector

Holy Spirit Seminary Queensland serves the five dioceses of Queensland – Brisbane, Cairns, Rockhampton, Toowoomba and Townsville – in preparing candidates for the Priesthood. The Seminary reflects the nature of the Catholic Church in its student cohort: smaller in numbers, older in age and multicultural in background. Together these fine men surface to test a vocation in a world countercultural to faith and religion. A certain courage lies at the willing heart of each seminarian. The Seminary Staff appreciate the privilege of being chosen to journey with them.​

Seminarians live separate but not isolated from normal society during their formation years. In recent time the beautiful image of the Church has suffered through clerical misconduct. The wound saddens young aspirants to the priesthood without diminishing hope. Because of the Resurrection of Jesus, fresh heart seeps into the disciples of every age. Enthused by the Spirit of God the seminarians face the future with humble confidence aided by proven spiritual and psychological resources.​

In their common sense approach to serving the Church reclaim its vitality in mission, through ordained ministry, they welcome and rely on the prayerful support of families, friends and all who love the Church and the priesthood. Thank you for your interest in those open to discerning the mystery of Christ in their lives and in the life of the Church.​

Rev Fr Neil Muir​

Five areas seminarians need to develop to be great priests