Xavier School of Mission
The Xavier School of Mission aims to equip and form leaders in evangelisation at the service of the Dioceses of Queensland and beyond. It is a dynamic and flexible resource that places the Church’s mission to evangelise at the heart of Holy Spirit Seminary’s formative process.
It emerges from Holy Spirit Provincial Seminary’s commitment to a vision of the Church as a community of faith of all the baptised faithful (cf. Lumen Gentium 9), and seeks to form priests who are enabled for a rich collaborative ecclesial leadership and ministry.
To that end, each year it opens its doors to leaders across the five dioceses of Queensland and beyond for the Xavier School of Mission.

The 2024 Theme
The 2024 theme is One Word, Emerging Voices: Is Mission the Key to a Synodal Church? Pope Francis is guiding us on the journey of becoming what he calls “a synodal Church”, a Church that listens, dialogues, walks and grows together. But what does that look like? In Australia, our Church is rich and diverse in cultures and generations:
- How do we listen to all the voices in the body of Christ? How do we have respectful conversations with people with diverse opinions?
- How do we understand our own ‘call to mission’ and that of other people and groups
- We all have internal challenges in our groups and communities. How can looking outward help us to face those challenges?
These and other questions will frame the experience of our week together.
Interested in future XSoM's?
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