About the Seminary

Founded in 1939, the Holy Spirit Provincial (Queensland) Seminary is located in Banyo in the northern suburbs of Brisbane. For over eighty years young men have trained at Banyo in preparation for a life of priestly ministry in the Church in Queensland, and beyond.

In 2003 the original seminary buildings opened their doors to welcome the Australian Catholic University. A new, vibrant, and innovative seminary campus was constructed in 2007 and extended in 2010.

At the heart of the new Seminary buildings is the Oratory. Each day the Seminary community gathers in the Oratory for Mass and the Divine Office. Every Thursday, staff and seminarians gather in the Oratory for a Holy Hour of Adoration. Our prayer intentions in these Holy Hours are

  1. for vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life in Queensland and
  2. for the intentions of our benefactors.

It is in the Oratory that priestly hearts are formed by the Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit Seminary virtual tour